By way of adding to the numerous Wii accessories we’ve previously featured on TFTS we could not pass up on offering a brief heads up concerning this up and coming Wii Keyboard developed especially for use with the Wii console which will no doubt be broadly welcomed by anyone getting a little fed up of entering text using the Wii Mote.
Logic 3’s Wii Keyboard offers a full standard QWERTY keyboard layout complete with function keys and, for us at least, it looks like the curious lovechild sprung from the bizarre pairing of a Wii console with Sinclair’s ZX Spectrum – though we cannot establish from the image whether the Wii Keyboard has the same (and quite unforgettable) ‘just dead flesh’ tactility as that offers by the Spectrum’s keys. Personally, we hope it does (but perhaps that’s just us).
The Logic 3 Wii Keyboard is due to be released in the UK from July 18 (08) and is already listed on Amazon’s UK site as available for pre-order for £15 though, at this juncture, we cannot establish whether it will also become available in non-UK markets, albeit at a later date.
According to my view this is very unique and modern product which is easy to use and very econoimical. A lot of qualities are hidden in this product.
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