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S60 Symbian Based Phones Gain New YouTube Application [Free YouTube App for S60 3rd Edition Handsets]

If you happen to own a phone powered by the S60 Symbian operating system - such as the Nokia N95 and Nokia N96 - you may be interested in a new, free application just released by YouTube that offers access to YouTube videos for viewing on your handset.
The new YouTube application, which has been developed for specific use with the S60 client application offers video search functionality as well as the ability to view top rated and most viewed videos which will subsequently be displayed in an image carousel allowing for ease of navigation. Unfortunately, at this stage, you cannot save videos and the application is restricted to only a handful of countries - namely Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States.

You can download the free YouTube application for S60 Symbian based phones here.


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